2019 NCAA Men’s Division I Basketball Championship First and Second Rounds
DateMar 22 - 24, 2019
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Event Details
The Road to the Final Four® stops in San Jose, California March 22 & 24, 2019 at SAP Center when the West Coast Conference hosts the First and Second Rounds of the NCAA ® March Madness ® Tournament!
March 22 - First Round Games
#13 UC Irvine defeated #4 Kansas State 70-64
#12 Oregon defeated #5 Wisconsin 72-54
#12 Liberty defeated #5 Mississippi State 80-76
#4 Virginia Tech defeated #13 Saint Louis 66-52
March 24 - Second Round Games
(12) Liberty vs. (4) Virginia Tech - 4:10pm pst
(13) UC Irvine vs. (12) Oregon - After Conclusion
The following ticket purchase options are now available:
Click here for Sunday's games.

Tickets can now be bought and sold directly with other fans through the official NCAA Ticket Exchange. The NCAA Ticket Exchange allows fans to sell and buy official tickets online in an NCAA approved, safe and 100% guaranteed environment. Learn more about the NCAA Ticket Exchange.
NCAA, March Madness, Sweet Sixteen, The Road to the Final Four, and NCAA Ticket Exchange are trademarks owned by the National Collegiate Athletic Association. All other licenses or trademarks are property of their respective holders.
Beverages: Beverages of any kind (i.e., non-alcoholic, alcoholic) may not be brought into the facility.
Firearms: Firearms and explosives of any kind are not permitted. Laser Pointers. Laser pointers are not permitted.
Noisemakers: Artificial noisemakers of any kind, megaphones used for distraction, air horns, electronic instruments, inflatable noisemakers, etc., are not permissible. Megaphones are permitted for spirit squads for voice amplification, but they may not be used as a distraction.
Promotional Items: Promotional items (e.g., cups, shakers, flags, etc.) with commercial slogans or identification are not allowed on the premises without written authorization from the NCAA. Items such as newspapers, handbills, flyers, memorabilia, t-shirts, caps, etc., except products sold by the NCAA or its designees, may not be distributed on the premises without written authorization from the NCAA.
Signs, Flags, Banners: Large signs, flags or banners are not permissible. Items that can be held by one individual, reflect good sportsmanship and do not block the view of other ticketed patrons may be permitted. In no case may a sign, flag or banner be affixed to the building. It is the facility staff’s responsibility to confiscate all prohibited articles and monitor the facility for posted signs.
Cameras: Ticketed patrons shall not bring video equipment into the facility on game days. Video equipment is allowed on open practice day. Still cameras with lenses up to four inches are permissible at all times.